Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The Fragrance of Grandma's House

For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 
2 Corinthians 2:15 NKJV

I can still remember the smell of my MeMaw's house.  Like cozy familiar warm happiness.  The same can be said for my Granny's bedroom and her famous Fibber McGee closet, mostly filled with faded fine linens she was saving for a special occasion.
 A generation later I pause at rare and random moments when a familiar fragrance from those days breeze by, my memory sparks so vivid I am transported back in time.  If only I could make it last with all the comfort and warm feelings but the scent quickly fades and I am left melancholy. How can an essence from so long ago spark such emotion?
What is it about Grandparents and their particular scent? A combination of spices and musk peculiar to them.
My Mother sent me home with a stuffed Santa and Mrs Clause that have survived many Christmases in the Avery household. My youngest grandson Max spotted them right away during a recent visit. I told him they are from when I was a little girl. He picked both of them up and buried his face as hard as he could in the old cloth dolls. His cute little nose smushed flat. He inhaled as deep as a little boy possibly could, closing his eyes, his face  reflecting pure bliss - "Grandma" he exclaimed!  He is only 7 years old and has not been down to see my Mom in over a year. But Grandma's smell has already imprinted cozy feelings of Grandma love.
I think that is something pretty special.
Time marches on and so it goes. kisses

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