Sunday, September 16, 2018

A Mother's Heart

Sunday morning sunshine will soon and suddenly rush through my bedroom windows like an unwelcome party crasher.  No slumber for this over thinker, midnight writer, night owl.

My 3 adult children have been adults so long I now have an adult grandchild.  This fact matters not to my Mother's heart.  I still picture each of them as my little ones.

When my oldest daughter had surgery last month and arrangements were being made for me to be there Tosha asked, "Mom should I put the  trundle bed in Evelyn's room?"
"Oh, for Paul?"  I replied. 
Paul is Tosha's husband and of course the
trundle was for me.  She laughed as she has been a Mother long enough to understand the feeling.

So I have a daughter with children old enough to have Mother feelings like her Mother.  Apparently this is an on going process and somewhat more involved than I had anticipated. My Granny and my MeeMaw made it look so easy.  I wish I would have paid more attention or that they could have lived forever.
Time marches on, Life is full of change, on and on and so it goes.

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