Thursday, May 4, 2017

56. 56. 56

Happy sunshine, first Thursday in May day as my April showers birthday fades away. Each year since and after I turned 50, of course thankful, but to be honest it feels rather jarring.  It sounds weird and sureal to hear me say I am 51, 52, 53, 54, 55 and now 56.  So I make myself say it out loud-a lot! 
I know it probably gets irritating to the young ones around me and I appreciate their patience. But I am trying to get this right.  I think I thought getting older would feel eaiser since I would of course be wiser. Apparently I am not old enough yet. 
Maybe not old at all. Just a little tired. Wise enough to know when it is time for a nap. 
Maybe a good life is not easy. Maybe a good life is not giving up. 
So it goes. On and on. 

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