Saturday, May 14, 2016

I Believe Iris

Some say those we love stay with us after death. The Bible talks about heaven and hell.   A few deny there is a God or the existence of an immortal soul. I think the reason we need to believe or not believe.  Have faith in God or faith in Science is it gives us some sense of control over the inevitable end we have no control over.   What will it feel like?   Will we know it is happening?
That is kind of the scariest part really. That we have no control over how and when we die and no proof positive of the here after.    
No matter how you sort it out. Death and the big nothing or spirits passing from this life to the next. It is all in what you chose to believe.  It is all faith.

A few years ago I was told a story about a woman grieving the loss of her husband.  Her sorrow was so great she wanted to give up on life.  When one evening her living room suddenly lite up with balls of happy light dashing this way and that.  One of the balls spoke to her.  It was her beloved Teddy reassuring her all was well.  He called her by name and spoke of things only she and he had shared. The other balls were friends that accompanied him on this very rare and special visit.  Teddy's parting words, " Iris,  I do not want you to be sad anymore. I am fine.  We travel and you would not believe  all the things I get to do.  The light is our transportation."
Her pastor brushed it off as a dream.  But Iris will tell you she was not asleep.

Way too many times I held the hand of a patient as organ systems shut down.  Heart beats auscultated fewer and farther between.
Until that last breath and an immediate change takes place.
The body becomes an empty shell.                              
I believe Iris. kisses

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