Thursday, July 30, 2015

Open Road

I drive myself all over Texas and other states as well.  I live for my next road trip, planning, saving and keeping up with vehicle maintenance.  I smile and shrug when friendly strangers look at me with deep concern "you are traveling by yourself?".
Maybe I am more comfortable on the open road then most and maybe it is because every summer my Dad took us on a family vacation.   My Mother's job was to research Texas Highways Magazine for fun sights along the way and using our rotary phone had Texas Parks and Wildlife mail information about state park facilities.    Our GPS was a cool compass glued to the dash of the family Rambler and the nice "you can trust your car to the man who wears the star" gas station attendant provided us with a huge paper road map that only Dad could refold properly.
I have to say I do miss the Texaco man.  He checked our oil,  cleaned our windshield with a smile and once even ran hollering across the road as he realized my parents had left me behind. But that's another story.

I can tell you Texas and New Mexico have great Rest Areas with clean bathrooms and picnic tables.  A few days ago I stopped at a rest area in west Texas that  had security provided by the man of steel-Superman.  So random, I guess some kid left his Superman toy but maybe not so random.  I know I felt a little safer.  Till next time.  kisses

Monday, July 27, 2015

Just Me

It freaks me out that I am 54 and on my own. Confrontation takes much effort and planning. I pray a lot. 
Health is a concern to prevent the preventable, conserve and appreciate the non-replaceable. Plan for the worst but hope for the best. Be available to my children without getting in their way. Some things I will never understand and some times I need to walk away but at all times I can be kind. It is nice to make my own decisions without compromise so extra effort to ensure the decision is wise. Looking back it is almost a shock! But then maybe not since I do pray a lot. 
Life is full of change but not my hair. I keep it the same with Loreal cause I am worth it. kisses

Thursday, July 16, 2015

It Really Is Rocket Science

Eric Seller-ism   # 1  
"A man wants one thing from every woman.  A woman wants everything from one man." 
Good grief!  I have read realtionship advice from Women's magazines, Men's magazines, internet magic download -for a price. Marriage & Relationship counselors, Doctors of Psychology and just plain psycho-ology.  Women that are experts on what men want. Men that are experts on what men want and how to get it from a woman. There is even a movie made from a book making it perfectly clear your date, partner or spouse is "just not that into you" written by 2 people who are 
comedians and write television shows.  I guess it is kinda funny so many of us are searching, researching, rethinking how to or what do or who knew finding a partner, companion, lover, best friend was gonna take so long. 
That internet download that promises the secret to what men really want is not a secret so save your money. 'Men Are from Mars. Women Are from Venus' .  So it really is Rocket Science. 
No worries . I am totally in to you! Have a great Thursday. kisses