Sunday, April 19, 2015

First Grade Friends

Last month it was a shock to see a friend since first grade on Facebook in a hospital bed, a trach tube in her neck and ominous Physician reports full of gloom and doom. Prayers for Laurie. Her daughter, Dawna keeping us posted.

Was it not just last Summer we spent a whole week together in her little home? Her hubby out of town working. Both brand new Mom's. We never stopped talking, trading stories about Lamaze Class, labor and our one allowed 'support person'.  How many stitches we had and the difficulties with the hospital nurses to bring our babies often so we could breastfeed them. What a struggle!

I remember I so admired Laurie's determination to be a good wife and Mother.  We were only 19. I lived with my parents and while I was thankful for their help it sure was nice to spend a week 'on my own'. (Thank you best girlfriend, kindred spirit!)  Laurie took care of little Dawna 24/7 including all household duties by herself. I was amazed and learned a lot that week. 
We had fun listening to her turntable play Dr. Hook and the Medicine Show cause it was my favorite album at the time. We also felt very grown up sitting in her kitchen sipping General Foods International Coffee-Mocha I think was our favorite flavor. 
Our little girls will be 35 this year.  Does not seem possible. 
I am still amazed by Laurie. She actually made it out of the hospital and refused hospice. In her words 'I am going home to live!'  
Yes you are my friend. kisses and lots of prayers

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Not Monday

Easter Sunday in the Avery household was anticipated and prepared for more than Christmas Day. My Dad, Pastor Avery, was fascinated and totally in awe of the whole Biblical event. While Mom put much energy into entertaining us kids, Easter baskets, dying eggs and most important our Easter Sunday attire.

Church events actually started the week before with Maundy Thursday service which took place on Thursday evening before the big Sunday. ( I thought it was Monday-Thursday for the longest time which was so confusing but I was confused a lot as a little kid) The men's group of Bethany Christian Church in Corpus Christi, Texas located on Gollihar Road,( cutest red brick church with a steeple and everything!) had traditional Last Supper with foot washing ceremony. Dad was very moved by this service-every year.  He had an understanding of God's word that was completely personal and his relationship with Jesus was very real. One year he even discouraged hunting eggs and such as he feared Easter was turning into a 'celebration of Spring' while the Spiritual meaning, celebration of Jesus resurrection, was losing priority, being 'phased out' as it were. I think our whole church abstained from hiding eggs, and banned Easter baskets that year.  I was around 10 or 12 and rolled my eyes in that teenager-y way, Good Grief! Why did my Dad have to be such a bummer? Gheez, 'chill out' Dad'! 
I was over joyed this week to attend Easter Sunday Services with my oldest daughter and her family. We attended a Methodist church that I think Dad would approve. Children had healthy fun fellowship hunting eggs before the service.  The celebration of Jesus resurrection started soon after with uplifting music, followed by the wise Pastor calling the children to the front for a personal conversation and discussion of the events and meaning of Easter. 

School Days are no longer Golden Rule days. Even when God's principles are presented God is seldom given credit. (Karma etc) Dad saw all this coming. Now I appreciate him giving me the heads up and sorry I rolled my eyes at you Dad. 
Easter is celebrated on Sunday, Maundy-Thursday is on Thursday, and I thank Jesus everyday for Christian parents 'that trained me in the way I should go, and when I am old I will not depart from it' 
Proverbs 22:6 KJV sorta Steffie paraphrased. 
I am not old yet...kisses