Sunday, October 19, 2014

No Playing Cards On Sunday

Happy church day, friends & family day, catch up on needed rest day, bright sunshine Sunday.
My Granny loved playing card games.  No matter how many of us grandkids were visiting, the brown card table kept folded behind her late 1960's Traditional style faded beige sofa, was pulled out and each of us grabbed a metal leg to unfold.  
Granny was so proud of her cards. She had several decks, each with a fancy plastic case.  I was always facinated with the Joker cards.  Maybe because of the funny picture? 
Fight-N-Spite was her usual game of choice when playing with us but her real passion was Bridge.  She played at the local community center, she played with The Grandmothers Club,  and some other group she just called her 'Bridge Club'.
Not only did she play, she played to win. My sweet little four foot something grandmother had a competitive streak and trophies to show for it. I was so proud of her being the Bridge Queen. 
  I remember asking her to teach me how to play once and she told me, "Oh no Stephie,  you do not want to learn that. Then everyone will want you to play."  This lead me to believe playing bridge was some sort of job or obligation of 'old people'.  I remember worrying for the longest time. Like what if I got old without having learned how to play Bridge?  I would not be a 'proper' old person, what would my grandchildren think?  I even for a time would follow the Bridge game in the newspaper. Finally gave up on that!
Granny was a Christian and she had a strict rule 'No playing cards on Sunday!"   I am not sure why playing cards on Sunday was the devil but then I am not sure about a lot of things. 
There is one thing-I sure am glad I had such a good Granny. kisses

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