My most amazing middle child allowed me to accompany, she and my grandsons, costume shopping. Did you know there is a Halloween Store specifically for all things-creepy, spooky, haunted and somewhat gruesome? What a hoot to corral little boys through such a place.
My youngest grandson was born with a rare genetic disorder, Prader-Willi Syndrome, genes on the number 15 chromsome are deleted. A case of 'Mother Nature' shuffling the deck, said the Genetic Specialist. Low muscle tone, cognitive disabilities are just part of the list. We know this, he does not!
Max is a wonder boy constantly devising ways to accomplish developmental milestones his parents were gently informed would be much delayed, some not attainable.
Children live in such a different realm from us adults. I have to blink back tears watching my two older grandsons interact with Max. They rough house and play like boys do but seem to instinctively know when their little brother needs help. They are protective showing kindness and patience I think amazing for ones so young.
The Bible talks about all God's children having a guardian angel. I think Max has a whole platoon assigned to him. The life size animated, story telling, green, wart covered witch at the back of the store sends most children running for their Momma. Max walked right up and introduced himself. No fear, no judgement here. Why can't we be friends? ....or maybe just a little more like Max. kisses
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