Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Space Between Ceiling & Floor

The extra large windows that grace the space between ceiling and floor of my little home were purposely positioned for mornings such as this, as bright Sunday sunshine tumbles thru the double panes and rays of light do a happy dance in every room.  
 I am content to lounge on my brown sofa, James Taylor and I doing a duet of Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight, while my thoughts try and sort out all of last weeks life events, emotional highs and lows while letting go of what I cannot wrap my mind around.  My ongoing conversation with Jesus stepped up a bit for a family crisis causing deep concern but not shaking my faith as I know He has us in His hands.  He does you know!  
So why do I worry myself stupid over unpaid bills?
Why do I blink back tears thinking of 'what if's' for my now grown children?
I think it's because it just feels like God is so very far away.   
Far away feelings soon fade as I am thankful for Christian,  Bible believing parents who prepared me for times like these. Not by dragging me to church or lectures and mini sermons although there was plenty of that, but by the peaceful way in which they lived.  My Dad had faith that actually did move mountains. My children call my Mom to this day, during crisis as they say 'Grandma has a hotline to God'.   
No matter how I might 'feel'.  I 'know' God's grace is in the space between ceiling and floor and His grace is sufficient for me. 
Have a bright, happy sunshine, Sunday.  kisses

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Seasons are Changing

Just another manic Monday has slipped away as not just any day but the first day of Fall and my favorite time of year.  Tuesday will soon dawn with central Texas temperatures in the 60's so starting my happy day, Yay! Goodbye Summer.
Seasons change and as my Mother tells me there are also seasons to our life, although not quite so specifically defined as autumnal equinox.  I have sensed a shift rather recently, some welcome clarity inspired in part by reconnecting and part by witnessing renewed lease on life so to speak. 
I kind of 'lost myself' with Empty Nest Syndrome and a few other life events that rocked and rattled my stable world. 
Debbie Hill was a best gal pal in my young teens.  We went to church camp, Summer beach time and talked about boys-a lot!  After high school I lost track of Debbie. Memories kinda made me feel sad as I figured I would never see my fun, sweet teenage friend again. Time marches on as does technology and Debbie Hill-Nation found me on facebook! She made a trip to San Antonio with her daughter Jordan and we had a great reunion along with my favorite sister and her family.  
Reconnecting with Debbie and getting a whole day with my Sister felt like spending a day at home again-if that makes any sense.  I feel like they are anchors providing me stability giving me exactly what I need to find my center once again.  Like maybe the season is changing and the knot on my head, where life dumped me on it, does not seem so tramatic anymore.  
After all, just another season of life. Seasons in the sun but the stars we can reach are the starfish on the beach.  kisses

Monday, September 8, 2014

Nothing Is Worse Than A Sick Fish

Just another manic Monday is slipping away and I am in awe as the Supermoon has my yard lit up like a Texas Stadium on Friday night.
I know I talk a lot about the moon. That's because the moon is magic! God hung the moon cause he knew we needed a night  light, hope that a new day is on the way.  Because it is you know! 
Tonight the moon that lights up a country road as my girlfriend brings her son home from the ER, thankfully with a good report, is the same one casting shadows on the empty spot in another friend's driveway, as the family vehicle was just reclaimed by the bank.  
A few miles down in the next town, bedroom curtains parted just enough for lunar light to catch the tears of a worried wife as her beloved husband and soul mate faces surgery in a few days. 
Several states away, a nursing school classmate is on the run from her soon to be ex and desperately trying to hold onto her farm.  Just on and on.  So much anguish. So many heavy hearts.  I think of all these loved ones, say a prayer for them trying not to let my own struggles over whelm and then I smile! Because I just read on Facebook, my friend Bobbie who has suffered unimaginable loss and now requires 24/7 care is worried about her sick fish!             
esday is gonna be terrific. On and on, I just know it.   kisses 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mysterious, Elusive, Giant Moths

Remember the 1967 movie, Dr. Doolittle with Rex Harrison? The Pushme-Pullu?  Most fascinating to me was the Moon Moth he rode off on at the end. Have you ever seen a  giant moth?  I only remember seeing a handful of them over my lifetime and it just so happens a Hawk Moth searching for food in tonights moon glow flew in my front door just before midnight.  He was gigantic and fluttered his wings like a bird or bat and just because I jumped around and annoying high pitched girl sounds filled the air does not mean I was not totally fascinated and kind of in awe at such a creature.  I was able to get him safely back outside but not before I snapped a picture.  
Go find your mate, mysterious, elusive giant moon moth.  kisses