It is Halloween Eve here in Texas and we are getting some much needed rain. I am having fun listening to loud random thunder claps while crazy, zigzag, lightening bolts Dr. Frankenstein would cheer for illuminate my part of the big Texas sky and give me glimpses of night things not used to being seen in my brushy yard. Once again my memories transport me back to the 1970's and I dwell for a moment on family preparations for Trick or Treat night and all the fun going door to door with my family and neighboorhood friends. Our church for a time had a Fall Festival which included bobbing for apples, costume contest and even a haunted house which was an upstairs room with all sorts of fun 'scarey' stations like sticking our hands in spagetthi and calling it goblin guts. The Haunted House part was later phased out as the church ladies decided 'church' probably was not the place to scare children and rightly so I suppose. Although I have only good memories and I kinda liked to have a reason to scream cause then a cute church boy might possibly feel compelled to 'save' me and you know...all that silly boy-girl stuff. I had so much fun last Saturday in my old stomping grounds, Flour Bluff at Barton Street Pub. I got to see Janis Joplin, John Lennon sing karyoke with a video of the beetles behind him, a female Beetlejuice that sang a great Time Warp, the cutest Strawberry Shortcake ever and she even had natural red hair, and the scariest, so real I hope it truly was a costume, Grim Reaper that stayed in character the entire time. I steered clear of him just to be on the safe side. It is now after midnight so Happy Halloween! I am gonna dance and sing to the Monster Mash right here in my living room. kisses
Halloween was always my favorite holiday! Must be the pagan in me :-)