Memories of the 1960's. Drinking from the garden hose, Playing outside till it was time for supper or it got dark-whichever came first. Box fans, heat rash, Church on Sunday and one family black & white television with 3 channels. Time passes and times sure have changed. Welcome to my world. Stories about growing up in Texas. New adventures and the struggle to remain relevant in the lives of my adult children.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Bad for Them, Good for Us
Friday, September 6, 2013
Perplexing Adult Talk
Watch "Teach the children well ( with lyrics) - Crosby Stills" on YouTube
Good morning! It is a sunny, hot, end of the 5 day work week, school week and the very first Friday in September 2013. Do you remember when you were a child wondering about adults and feeling especially perplexed about how they communicated? I remember my Mom, trying to explain how she knew what we were up to, telling us she had eyes in the back of her head. I could not wait to grow up and be a Mom so I could have eyes in the back of my head. I was more than a little disappointed when I realized the 'eyes' she spoke of were metaphorical. I think the worst was when I was in the middle of a group of ladies talking about how one of them had 'lost' their baby. I was horrified. How could we all be at this dinner party casually cooking and talking? I wanted to run right outside and start looking. Why wasn't everyone looking for her lost baby and how in the world did she even lose her baby in the first place? When I burst into tears my Mom apologized and explained to me, in age appropriate language,about miscarriage. I cried again.
Gheez! How will I ever learn all this stuff and why do adults have to talk so different anyway?
I guess I did and adults still do. So it goes. Have a happy, sunshine, funtime Friday.
Thank you Heather for the pic of your beautiful daughter. Amazing how all that personality fits in such a small package!
When Nightness Lasts Too Long-Turn on the Light!
Happy hump day, Wednesday, smack dab in the middle of the week day. The sunshine was knocking so loud on my living room windows I just had to throw back the sheets that are nailed above and watch with wonder as lovely happy, morning light playfully chased out last traces of nightness. I know it might sound silly but the concept that you cannot turn darkness on and off has always been amazing to me. In fact I have read Genesis 1:3 Then God said, "Let there be light", and there was light. (The New King James Version) about a million times. Maybe it is the same concept God means for us to apply to our own life. Maybe God wonders why we mere mortals spend precious time trying not to do, not to be judgemental, not feel anger towards our neighbor, not to over eat, over sleep, or taking steps to stop undesireable habits. I wonder if He just ment for us all along to simply be kind, be a blessing to others, think good thoughts, focus on the positive, the upside, the bright side, have a little faith. kisses