Thursday, August 15, 2013

No Time for TV

It is the night before Friday night.  Friday eve!  I am watching my flat screen digital TV with rabbit ears statigically perched on a bar stool and a carton of salt supporting the wire for optimal reception.  I have said before I refuse to pay for TV.  I think my money should be spent on things with some meaning or actual necessities.  Most of TV is just so mindless and seems to encourage complacency.  When I was a teenager and later as a young Mother I knew what time it was by what show was on television.  I watched daytme soap opras from 11am till the last one ended at 3pm.  One day it just dawned on me my fun little children were growing up fast.  They were entertaining themselves while I tuned them out to be part of a fantasy world.  What was I thinking?  Well, that is just it I was not thinking at all and teaching my precious, smart children to do the same.  I stopped watching or caring about all those soaps and spent the Summer taking my children and any neighbor young ones that could get permission to the park.  Not just any park but Landa park in New Braunfels, Texas. There was a river, glassbottom boat, paddle boats, swimming, playgrounds, lots of wildlife and a wonderful train that circled the park. We all rode it at least once a week. Money well spent.  We made fun memories.  My girls now take my grandchildren to the local park and I hope those neighbor children I lost touch with do the same for their little ones. Summer break is almost over for this year.  Hope you had some a park! kisses

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