It is the end of my Wednesday, hump day, middle of the week day. Sometimes I feel so overwhelmed with what I wonder is just usual life stuff for others. I know I do not handle emotional turmoil very well. I like to see the good in everyone. If I only acknowledge the positive, that is what I will get in return. I feel like I am getting 'centered' and focused on my future. I spend time trying to understand cause if I know the 'why' then I can fix it. It is slowly dawning on me I cannot fix anyone, even if I love them because maybe they are not exactly broken. Maybe, there are just some people that do not belong in my world, in my space, or in my heart. Let them go. I need my peace, happiness and trust. Life is what you make it! That is my week so far. Hope your rest of the week is super awesome. kisses
Guess some people you just need to cut out of your life for your own good!