Saturday, May 18, 2013

Bright Eyes

So I don't know if this has ever happened to you or not...I woke up bright and early the other morning excited to start my happy day. I pulled on my glasses ( one of the joys of over 40/50 eyes) picked up my phone off the Coca-Cola chair I use as a bedside table and started attempting to  compose a good morning text.  How very unkind of nature that as we age our eyesight tends to dim! I gave up trying to focus for the moment as nature called and I dashed to the bathroom. I glanced at my face as I passed a mirror and the reason for my inability to focus became clear. I was wearing my sunglasses!  Now I sure am glad my eyes are bright but what does this say about my over 40/50 brain? I may have to read up on this....if I can find my glasses. Have a Sunshine Saturday! kisses


  1. That's almost as bad as looking for your glasses while they are perched on top of your head!

  2. I know all about those senior moments, lol. Miss you, but it is wonderful to see you soooo happy!
