Thursday, January 17, 2013

Little Sisters

1970 something Flour Bluff High Little Sisters

It is a chilly, winter Thursday day.  I love chilly days.  Feels good to pull on soft warm comfy clothes, curl up with hot chocolate and take a minute to think sweet thoughts.  When I was growing up there were several of us that had little sisters the same age that were best friends.  We fittingly called them ‘the little sisters’ and I still do to this day.  My younger sister will always be ‘little sis’ to me.  I can remember having some terrible fusses with her when we were really young but somewhere around the time I got into junior high school that all changed.  By the time we were both in high school we were actually friends going to some of the same Friday night beach parties and covering for each other if one got stranded out a little after curfew. I really liked the other little sisters too and have tried to somewhat keep up with them thru the years.  Cool thing is all the ‘little sisters’ actually turned out really well and kind of showed up us older siblings in some areas of relationships, career and general life stuff.  Maybe they were smart enough to watch and learn and not repeat us older siblings silly mess ups.  I know I am so proud of them and glad they always greet me as if I am someone important, always gracious and non judgmental.  It is not easy being the oldest.  Who do we look up to?  Who are our role models?  We stumble along trying to act like we have it all together and of course take care of everyone since we are the oldest.  It is usually us oldest sibs that take care of our parents as they age.  Where is the rulebook for that?  Some subjects are way to difficult for us to even think about much less deal with and asking for help is not in our vocabulary-after all we are the oldest.  I am so thankful my younger brother and sister have always been supportive of me even when I get it a little wrong.  Hope you think some sweet thoughts today and if you are younger give your older sib a break and know that we are just trying to take care…..of everybody, it’s all we know how to do.   kisses 

1 comment:

  1. Hey sis, enjoyed the blog. You are the best! Love ya' and miss ya'. I still tell people to this day how you I and I got along so well people couldn't believe we were sisters! They just didn't see us at home, right !!!
