Sunday, November 11, 2012

Sunday Preachers and Pancakes

When I was growing up Sunday morning was Mom cooking pancakes, Dad singing thru the house trying to get us kids up and moving and he was usually in a very good mood.  My friends ask me now how I can always be so happy.  Well, I grew up in a happy peaceful home. Not that we did not have our rough patches like everyone else but more often than not my Dad was singing or laughing and Mom while not like Dad, was at least peaceful and quiet.  Dad would tune in the TV preachers.  I say tune in cause TV’s had that tuner button and rabbit ears.  There was a knob to turn just to stop the rolling lines that seemed to be part of life watching TV. That knob even sometimes worked if you turned it the opposite of the way the lines were rolling and if you are under 40 you probably have no idea what I am talking about.  We have come a long way baby.  Rex Humbard and Maude Aimee were my favorites.  My Dad’s favorite I think was Oral Roberts that is until Robert Schuller came along.  My parents made trips to visit both Oral in Oklahoma and Robert Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral in California.  I’m sure they are/were good men but I only ever looked forward to good ole Rex and his wife.  They just seemed more real to me.  Now I try to catch Joel Osteen on my TV.  No rollie tuner knob needed but I still use rabbit ears.  Joel is very different from those old time preachers.  He is like a big cheerleader and refreshing that he is not constantly asking for money.  He does use the Bible and never resorts to fire and brimstone like in the ‘old days’.  You know I think the church going generation before us thought a dose of ‘fire and brimstone’ was needed to keep everyone in line.  I never liked it.  I think we need encouragement and just good examples.  Well, Jesus is our example but you know what I mean.  We just all do the best we can and keep trying to do it better, every day in every way.  Love you guys, Happy Sunday Morning. kisses