Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Birds

Good and happy sunshine Saturday morning.  I am in beautiful Port Aransas, Texas or as coastal locals call it- Port A.   I can see the beautiful surf, hear the laughing seagulls just outside our  condo window.  I love beach birds.  I believe beach birds are the happiest birds on earth.  How could they not be?  They get to live at the beach!  When I was a little kid I would try and run with the sandpipers.  They are the cutest things and I think the ADD of the shore bird world.  With their short little stick legs they run run run only to suddenly stop and poke their beak in the sand.  Then like they are late to a very important date... it is run run to a new spot then back to the previous and that goes on all day.       The seagulls are the hippie's of the shore bird world.  Seagulls are happy, go lucky, always laughing without a care.  Their nest could even be called a 'hippie hut' as it is usually just 'whatever' thrown together close to shore, comfortably messy-everyone welcome.      Now, the brown pelican is quite a magnificent sight as they fly just above the whitecaps in small groups then dive sometimes up to 30 feet into the surf for the catch of the day.  When he lands on your boat or balcony.  Folding up those huge now awkward wings, so graceful and magnificent while flying is a sight.  Should you have a fish in your hand he just might walk, no waddle right up and clack his 11 to 13 inch bill expecting your dinner to now be his.  So brown pelicans to me are the actors/comedians of the shore bird world.   Happy beautiful  first day of Autumn!  Hope you get to run with the sandpipers.  kisses

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