Monday, August 27, 2012

One Giant Leap

Good sunshine & awesome Summer Sunday day!   I heard on the news last nite about Neil Armstrong passing from this world to the next.  What a great loss for us mere mortals and especially Americans.  He was one of our true hero's and last of the few real role models.  I remember sitting in the living room with my Dad, Mom, brother and sister in front of our black and white TV with the rabbit ears.  The grainy screen and scratchy speakers bringing to us the most important event ever!  My Dad had set his Argus C2 up on a tripod to try and capture the event on film.  Dad had read Buck Rogers as a kid and landing on the moon was just almost unbelievable and most certainly a miracle, science fiction coming true, Wow!  My Dad, God bless him, kept shushing us and Lord help us if we tripped over that tripod.  I remember feeling that this must be very important for Dad to be making such a big deal of it.  I had always been fascinated by the 'man in the moon' mostly cause my Dad was always pointing it out and talking about the night sky.  There is a framed, signed photograph in my Dad's study of Neil Armstrong and the rest of that crew.  So long Neil Armstrong.  I salute you, your bravery, your courage and your strength of character.  The man in the moon is finally home.  kisses

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