Saturday, August 18, 2012

I was a waitress

Hope you are having a fun freaky Summer Friday night.  My waitress career lasted 2 whole days.   The first day, after the insane mind numbing lunch rush and cleaning up the carnage left behind afterward-I left an hour early.  My back hurt, I was pooped, I was hot and sweaty and yucky and just done for the day.  The 2nd day I was asked to leave- after the mind numbing rush and cleaning up the carnage left behind afterward.   Well, that was fun and I can say I was a waitress-for 2 whole days.  Now on to something else.  Dum de dum de dum...what to do, what to do?  There must be something out there I can do.  I will have to think on this a bit.  kisses

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