Friday, August 31, 2012

Happy Blue Moon

Hope you are having a Freaky Friday and are planning to dance nekked in the Full Blue Moonlight tonite !!  It is once in a Blue Moon tonight, in case you have not heard, which just means that we have two full moons in one month.  The next one is supposed to be in 2015.  I think that is just the coolest thing ever and I plan to be outside soaking up all the moonlight I can.  The moon does do all kinds of crazy things to people or maybe it is that people do all kinds of crazy things cause the night is lit up with bright moonlight.  It was streaming in my extra large, double paned, bedroom windows so bright last nite I kept looking out hoping to see a Werewolf or live porcupine each very rare here in Texas.  Ohhh, that just made me think of a sad thing...road kill is always way up during the full moon.  Watch out for the little critters.  I gotta get busy.  Find mischief tonight and there is a parade in Bandera, Texas in the morning with Native Americans and Real Cowboys and longhorn cattle and everything !!!       Hope you get to 'Dance with the Devil in the pale moonlight' (not really the Devil unless your into that) tonight.   kisses

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