Friday, August 24, 2012

Good Foundation

Good Morning Good Morning.  It is a bright sunshiny Summer Friday day!  I love Friday's.  You know TGIF and all that stuff.  Somehow Friday brings the promise of a good time and the anticipation of plans talked about all week for a fun filled Saturday and Sunday.         I am so blessed to have good friends that watch out for me and are super fun.  Not one buzz kill in the bunch.  Things got a little rowdy last nite but no worries.  I know I am always safe.   I even have already gotten a phone call and a few text checking on my where a bouts and making sure I am okay.  So way cool.  My Memaw used to tell she was putting on her girdle...'Steffie, never go out without a good foundation'.   I know she was using that as an object lesson.  Memaw was good for that.  I do have a good foundation thanks to her and my other set of Grandparents and my parents.  I hope I provided some of that for my kids.  I know I did not do as well but hopefully they have enough to figure out the rest.  You guys have a good weekend and make sure you provide your young'uns with a good foundation.  kisses

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