Monday, August 13, 2012

Daydreams & Report Cards

Welp, it's Monday nite and I am watching Grimm, on my flat screen, digital TV with rabbit ears strategically placed at the moment on the floor.  Why I use rabbit ears I will save for another day.     I so enjoy this series. When I was a kid I had this super crazy imagination ( I know, hard to believe, right?) I would see an odd person in the grocery store and I just knew they were really a goblin, or alien from another planet sent to do some sort of mischief.  A really nice lady that smiled at me in Shopper's World and said something to my Mom was really a fairy making sure I was okay.  I cannot say I truly believed they were goblins, or fairies or creatures from beyond.  I just preferred to think it and make up elaborate scenarios that kept me busy and caused my grade school teachers to send home weekly notes "Stephanie, continues to day dream.  She does not take her studies seriously".   My adult children get a kick out of my handwritten heavy cardboard report cards.  My Mom, God bless her, saved them for me.  I went to grade school before computer print outs made students into a number and teacher comments in a school board approved legend on the right.   My teachers every year from 1st to 5th grade wrote out in various colors of ink and lucky for me, clearly legible cursive, "Stephanie, talks too much in class"    "Stephanie does not work up to her potential. Testing shows she can do much better".    They passed me on to the next grade with my imagination intact, my daydreams all mine and even though I did not ever take my studies all that seriously.  My teachers were all wonderful and God bless them for putting up with me.  Grimm is now over and almost time for bed.  I leave a light on in the hall, just in case my fairy needs to check on me...  Nite everybody.  Sweet dreams.  kisses

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