Woody Guthrie (July 14,1912-Oct. 3, 1967 |
Good Sunday Morning. I have been saying for a couple of months, 'I just want my life back'. It has been kinda slowly hitting me over the last few days I cannot get my old life back. Everything has changed, my children have moved out and on, I have a new house, relationships are evolving, my career is even in limbo. Now change is inevitable unless your dead or so boring you should be. I like to think I am always up for change and a challenge but my life has had so many changes in the last year and a half I am rather overwhelmed. I have learned a thing or two and I am still trying to make sense of the rest. There is I think a fine balance between being a passive peace lover, don't take life too seriously, fun loving, why can't we be friends AND doormat, mushroom, here is my bank account for you to party with I don't really need it. What is that saying, Out with the Old, In with the New? Not sure that really fits either. I just feel like some days I cannot make another decision...about anything...ever....or well, what do you think? These are the times I am thankful despite all the chaos I am pretty grounded. I think my parents had something to do with that and all my life long Flour Bluff friends. Love you guys, it is a beautiful day outside. kisses "Life has got a habit of not standing hitched. You got to ride it like you find it. You got to change with it. If a day goes by that don't change some of your old notions, for new ones, that is just about like trying to milk a dead cow."~Woody Guthrie (one of my hero's)
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