Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nite Thunder

Nite Thunder and Day Thunder are very different to me.  Day thunder is not scary, it's just noisy.  Nite thunder on the other hand has an ominous feel to it.  When clouds are covering the moonlight or even more spooky when you can kinda see thru them my imagination can run wild.  I am not afraid of the thunder itself but I wonder if maybe sometimes it is a transport for evil things.  All that deep, rolling, feel it in your toes rumble must be something more than just hot air or whatever they taught us in Science class.  When I was a kid my little sister would crawl in bed with me and say "It's okay Steph, I'll sleep with you so you won't be scared".   When my kids were young I would go to their rooms and tell them, "it's okay, Mommy will sleep with you so you won't be scared".  When I started writing this whatever rides on the thunder must have been really cracking the whip.  But now it is raining and those riders with flaming spurs and baritone voices  are escaping by their lightning pathway.  Like a chalk drawing on the sidewalk that image just washes away and how silly of me.  Everyone knows thunder is just God bowling.  Right?  kisses  

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