Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Hate Confrontation

Hope you had a nice Saturday day and are looking forward to Saturday nite!  This may sound a little off but I so identify with that dinosaur in "Toy Story".   My kids had the plastic talking toy of him and one of his phrases was "I hate confrontation".  That is me over and over.  I can deal with 'things'  that happen pretty well.  I have even been told I handle things too well if that is possible.   But make me have to confront a human, even on the phone,  and I will do just about anything to avoid it.  Life being what it is and I being what I am sometimes confrontation is unavoidable.   Even what others may see as a pleasant confrontation to me can be very uncomfortable.  I don't know why this is and since I am told I am a friendly person it just does not make sense.  I guess it does not have to make sense it is just the way I am.  I guess we all have our little idiosyncrasies and that is sure mine, goes along with my difficulty in saying no.  I was thinking today,  my close little circle of friends are people that are strong willed and protective.  Gee, I wonder how that happened?   I do like to think of myself as independent but I guess I kind of blow that out of proportion.  I could not make it without my friends.  They have my back!  I don't know if they maybe sometimes chuckle at me but when I need someone all I  do is ask.  They know how I am.  If it is just to go, or to stand beside me or to step in and take over, 'they got me' .  It sure is a good feeling.  Time gets away from me on these long Summer days.  Gotta jet.  kisses

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