Thursday, July 5, 2012

How will you know??

I say a lot , ya gotta try new things cause if you don't how will you know...?  How will you know if it is horrifying,  exciting, crazy fun or the most beautiful thing you have ever done?  This is mostly in reference to things out of my comfort zone.  I try not to spend too much time on 'what if's'.  The whole first part of my life, the part before I can remember is just full of 'what if's'.  What if my biological Mom would have kept me?  What if the foster family had of adopted me? What if my parents would not have been checking on their adoption application at the very time my foster parents were putting one in to adopt me?  My life would have been completely different, even my name would have been changed to protect the innocent.  Now, sometimes I have gotten wayyyy out of my comfort zone and decided I could have lived the rest of my life with out that!  But I did it and now I know.

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