Friday, June 29, 2012

Summer Friday

Good Friday Morning !  It's Summer and I am really feeling it.  I just read a post on Facebook from my BFF since junior high about her eating Sardines and mustard.  We grew up in Flour Bluff, Texas . It's really a suburb of Corpus Christi but if you grew up there you would know what I mean. Very rural and really it was a small town of its own.  Ruthann spent one Summer living with her Grandparents about a mile from my house. She and I would walk back and forth to each others house, all day.  This walk included partly paved road, long stretch of dirt road along the Laguna, and a run thru the cattails where we hoped we would not see a giant purple polka dotted snake or pythaconda!  On one of our walks we noticed a dead opossum with her belly moving.  Being Bluff Rats (as the Corpus kids called us) we grabbed a stick and rummaged around till we found her pouch and pulled out the babies. What hero's we thought we were.  I'll just leave that story for another day.  Our favorite snack was Sardines with cottage cheese on Saltine crackers with her PawPaw's home made pepper sauce on top. I have never met anyone else that ate that. Must be why Ruthann and I are still best friends.  Have a good weekend everybody.  kisses

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